Sippy Cup

I gave Colson a Nuk Sippy Cup the other day. (One of his sister's old ones so please ignore the flowers :oP)
At his 6 month 7 month appointment, the pediatrician told us to let him start playing around with a sippy. Hannah never really took a sippy cup. She pretty much went straight from a bottle to a straw cup, so I'm not all that concerned about Colson using a sippy cup.

He did rather well with it, though.
He was able to get the nipple part into his mouth. I don't think he actually got any water out of it but he enjoyed chewing on it.

Who knows, maybe he'll actually use one.

Linking up with Growing Up Geeky for Wordless Wednesday and Growing Up Gardner for Oh Snap Wednesday.

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  1. I've been thinking about offering J a sippy cup. His pedi suggested we start offering him one at his 6 month checkup! I thought it was too early, but apparently its not.. who knew?


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