Here are his stats:
Weight—16 lbs 12 ounces
(+2 lbs 7 ounces from his 4 month appointment)
40th percentile
Height—25 1/2 inches
(+1.75 inches)
25th percentile
Head Circumference—43.8 cm
(+2.1 cm)
50th percentile
And just for comparison, here are Hannah's 6 month stats that were actually taken right when she turned was 6 months old:
weight: 17.9 lbs
length: 26.5 inches
head: 42 cm
So, Colson is still smaller than Hannah was even with being almost a month older at the time of the 6 month appointment.
I'll update more on the little man this Thursday when he turns 7 months old! :o)

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