I mean, I have two kiddos who keep me pretty busy so whatever free time I do get, I try to do something around the house. (My husband is probably laughing to himself right now!)
Okay, okay, I know I'm not the best housewife, much to my husband's dismay. Our end tables are dusty more times than they are not, we usually always have some form of a dish or bottle in the sink at all times, and I am usually way behind on laundry...but I try to get things done when I can.
Coming downstairs into my office is last on that list of things I do so when I do come down here, it is for 15 minutes to quickly put a post together for my loyal readers. It is definitely not the time of blogging I would prefer to spend because quite honestly, blogging is my form of relaxation. It is really all I do for myself. It is my time to come to my quite space and just do something alone. I wish I could spend more time writing deep posts that didn't always involve photos of my super cute kiddos. It is just hard to find that time. As I sit here and write this, I know Hannah is already awake, playing in her room. I really need to go get her breakfast and change her clothes but instead I am trying to squeeze in this blog post. *sigh*
The same goes for me and the hubs. Our life is all about our children and we wouldn't have it any other way. But I would be lying if I told you that I was perfectly content with never going out on dates with the hubs. There are some days that I miss my husband. He goes to work, I stay home with the kids and then when he gets home we spend time together as a family, prepare dinner, go through our bed time routine. Once the kids are in bed we usually try to squeeze in some form of workout--mind you it is already 9 o'clock at night. That doesn't leave all that much time to just be together. And I hardly count dropping off the kids at the grandparents to go grocery shopping as a date or quality time together.
So, when we have a chance to go out on a date or I have a chance to do something for myself, we jump on it!
This past Friday, Nick's mom surprised us with Chicago Bears tickets. I had never been to an NFL game so I was super excited to go! It down poured the whole drive up there and the whole drive home on Saturday but during the game, the weather was perfect. It was such a blast and it was so nice to be with my husband--and actually hold hands. :o) We had awesome club ticket seats and the Bears won! I even managed to get a video of the only touchdown! (separate post to come!)
Today, I am getting a little pampering done. I am getting a much needed hair cut and some serious highlights put in my hair. Ever since I had Hannah, I can count on one hand the times I have gotten my hair done. How sad is that? So I am definitely really excited for some me time today. :o)
Then tomorrow, I am going out with the girls to Shipshewana for a day of shopping--without the kids in tow! I cannot begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to this! It will be me, my MIL, SIL, and Sherri and Megan having a good time. :o) Look out Shipshewana! We're coming your way! :oP
The only way this could get any better, is if I could see my bestie. Then it would be one of the best weeks...but, I know I will see her very soon, so I cannot wait!
What are some ways that you find time for yourself or for you and the hubs? Do you get that much needed time as often as you would like?

We are having the same problems too - us time. IT's harder now with me working. Mackenzie thankfully has a bed time of 8, but then I'm ready for bed shortly after. And me time....I think it's going to be my lunch breaks at work. :oP I'm not getting it at home.
ReplyDeleteOh and some positive news for maybe seeing your bestie more....Erin just had a phone interview with a location in IN. :oP They are hiring now. So we will see.... :o)
I can't remember the last time we went out together, alone! We didn't have a sitter on our anniversary, so our "romantic" dinner for two turned into a fun anniversary lunch for three. :) I love our little family, but I definitely would like to get out and do something for me one of these days. In fact, I think a Starbucks date with my bestie is in order.
ReplyDeleteI wish we could hang out sometime! I think we would be great friends. :)
I hear you on the struggle to find "us" time. Every since our little man was born it's been all about him and whats he's doing. great post!
ReplyDeleteI also think its hard to squeeze in the time to foster the relationship between the hubs and yourself, yet also finding some "me" time. I find that I feel guilty if take time for myself, etc.
ReplyDeleteWe really try to make sure we are getting time together. Sometimes it just means planning ahead and having the kids stay with the grandparents. Pick a day twice a month to get out together and spend quality time.