Colson has also finally figured out how to crawl forward. It's still not a true crawl...more of an army crawl, but he is starting to use that to get himself places instead of rolling everywhere.
I still wasn't happy with the small blog changes I made a few weeks ago, so yet again I made some adjustments. I think this is much cleaner and easier to read. I hope you all agree.
I can't believe that in less than a week, we will be in November. NOVEMBER! What the heck?
I am hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. Time to start thinking about the menu...AND how I am going to get everyone to fit around a table in our not so large dining room. :o/
In just over three months, my baby boy will turn 1 year old. It is his golden birthday! I may or may not already be thinking about his party.
Tuesday, it was a beautiful 72 degrees. Today—49. Brrrr!
Hannah's hair is getting super long. I think it might be almost time for her first haircut trim.
My weight loss has really stalled. I have kind of put it on the back burner for the past few weeks...not really taking it seriously, not really counting my calories, not really watching what I eat. With the holidays quickly approaching, I really want to drop a few more pounds!
The kiddo's passports arrived in the mail today! :o) I didn't get my first passport until I was 25 (to go on our honeymoon). My kids got theirs at 3 years old and 8 months old. I'm very excited for them!
I really want to get back into meal planning. I am tired of trying to come up with something on the fly and/or not having all the ingredients to make something that I want to make.
I am kind of on a soup kick right now. Monday I made chicken noodle soup using our leftover whole chicken that I made in the oven. Yummy! I also made tortellini soup last night and it was delicious.
I feel like I haven't really been able to blog lately. Yes, I have been writing posts, but they are short in content and heavy on photos. I would really love to be able to spend more time actually typing out some blog posts instead of relying on the photos. :o/ I am kind of using this post to quickly sum up things when I would really like to be able to blog about some things separately (which I will still try to do!).
My bestie wasn't able to make it up for Hannah's birthday party (mommy duties call!) but I am excited that she is making the trip next week! I miss her very much and I need some much needed girls time!

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