How far along? 24 weeks
Weight gain/loss: +16 pounds total.
Maternity clothes? Pants all the time. Tops most of the time.
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep? Better! I only get up maybe 2 or 3 times to pee now instead of 4 or 5! :o)
Best moment this week? We finally decided on a name! A separate post will come soon. We also got his bedding...which is different from the last one I posted about so I will do a post on that as well! :o)
Food cravings: Nothing really...just maybe all of the Halloween candy.
Gender: BOY! :o)
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? All the time, especially in the morning though.
What I miss? Being able to lay on my stomach. It's also getting hard to breathe so I miss not being able to be comfortable in that department.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the basement far enough along so we can move some stuff out of our current office and I can paint the walls of the new nursery.
Milestones: Baby boy C weighs over a pound and is about 12 inches long from head to heel. His brain is growing and his lungs are starting to produce surfactant.

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