Weight gain/loss: +25 pounds *tear*
Maternity clothes? Pants all the time. Tops most of the time.
Stretch marks? Nope... hopefully it stays that way!
Sleep? Between peeing all the time, having a hard time rolling over and dealing with my RLS...sleeping has been a blast!
Best moment this week? Being able to share Thanksgiving with all of our family.
Food cravings: That +25 pounds just keeps staring at me in the face. Quite frankly, I never want to eat again.
Gender: Boy!
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? All the time.
What I miss? My body not hurting all the time.
What I'm looking forward to: Christmas and getting all of our decorations up. We're going this weekend to cut down a tree and I can't wait for Hannah to help me decorate it! :o)
Milestones: Colson is almost 17 inches tall now, nearly as tall as he will be at birth. But that three-pound weight will likely more than double — and may even come close to tripling — by delivery time.
And here is a not so flattering photo of my 29 week baby bump. I'm posting it for all of my loyal readers. I feel huge and in this photo I look huge.
I feel as though I look like I did when I was 36 weeks with Hannah.