We just love her to pieces. She is definitely the joy in our lives. We put her to bed at night after giving ni-night hugs and kisses and we just look at each other as ask how we got so lucky!
Hannah and daddy
Hannah and mommy
The below pic was taking with my new handy-dandy camera remote! Love it! :o)
Our first decent family pic in quite some time.
And because I took tons of photos last night, I will post a few in this entry. I will save the others for a new post, another day!
Hannah's new wubby from Grandma L (Nick's mom). Isn't it cute!?
and because we love to play on the couch now...
Here is what a 17 month should be up to these days, courtesy of Baby Center:
How your toddler's growing: She's becoming much easier to understand now that she often combines pointing with a word or two. And her growing independence is asserting itself in numerous ways: She may be able to take off her own socks or diaper (undressing fully will come later, and putting clothes on,quite a bit after that) and brush her own teeth (though “brushing” at this age pretty much means sticking the toothbrush in her mouth and chewing on it, so she continues to need your help).
Yep! This is Hannah exactly!
If "no" hasn't already become her favorite word, she'll begin using it with a vengeance. She's gradually easing toward one nap each day, which means this is a transition period that's potentially hard on both of you. If she's having trouble sleeping, try cuddling up with her for a few minutes to make it extra cozy.
I fear the one nap a day... :o/ I don't know why. Luckily, for right now though, Hannah is still taking 2 naps a day.
How your life's changing: Toddlers are known for being finicky eaters, so save yourself some time and heartache by keeping meal preparation simple. But try to present a fairly good mix of foods at every meal. If you offer a variety of healthy options, chances are she'll get all the nutrition she needs — though it may mean she's eating her vegetables at one end of the day and grains at the other.
Hannah is not a finicky eater at all! We are very lucky. I'm sure once summer comes we'll add to the list! Watermelon...YUMMY!

Happy 17 months to our beautiful granddaughter! Grandma and papa love you baby girl!