Who Needs A Sandbox?

When you have dog food to play in!

This is what he beelines to when I leave the kitchen gate open.

I guess he is soooooo over his toys that he needs to play with the dog food.

Oh, and it's tons of fun when there is still water in that water bowl...he thinks it's a mini pool!

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  1. Haha this looks like an all too familiar scene. I will never forget the day a few weeks ago Jack got a piece of dog food in his mouth before I could snatch it out of his hand. I rummaged it out of his mouth in time though. We'll just say he wasn't happy about it and the dogs must now starve until he's in bed :)

    1. Ah, yes...Colson used to eat the food. I think he finally realized that I'm just going to take it out of his mouth so he just resorts to playing with it now. :oP

  2. Alessia used to eat our cat food... :-( I don't even like the smell of it but she seemed to like it. Luckily she doesn't eat it anymore!

    1. I wonder why kids are drawn to pet food...because it does smell bad!

  3. Mackenzie used to go straight for the cat food, but I made such a big deal of getting the food out of her hands and washing them that she thinks twice about it.
    Oh and there was the one time I missed a piece and he threw up. :)


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