30 sounds old.
I don't feel like I'm 30.
30 sounds like I am officially an adult. Really, I feel like I should still be in college... Like I'm 24.
I'm not sure where the last 6 years went. Okay, I do know where they went...they just went by too fast!
I got engaged to my high school sweetheart, we built our first house, we got married, we had our daughter, we moved and built our second house, and we had our son.
Wow, that's a lot of craziness in just a few short years. But they have been the best years of my life.
I love more than I ever thought possible and my heart is so full!
I am lucky that I have such great family and friends!

Ah, you changed things again, I need to add your new button. Anyways, Happy Birthday!! Don't they say 30 is the new 20 or something like that. :o) See you in a few weeks. Enjoy your presents and your day!!