Sledding & Snow Angels

Well, we got our first major snowfall last week. A good 6 inches of the fluffy white stuff fell to the ground between Thursday and Friday. I was beginning to think that winter may had taken a vacation but sadly it made its arrival and it made quite the grand entrance.

We had to take advantage of the snow...because honestly, who knows if we'll get anymore. This winter has been so strange!

Colson was born in the "Blizzard of 2011", but this was the first snow that he was actually able to play in.

And play he did!

Okay, he didn't really play in it. He kind of hated it actually. :o/

But Hannah had a blast!

Colson did, however, go down the 'not even worthy of being called a hill' hill with daddy.
 And then again with daddy and Hannah together.

 When the sledding fun had passed, Hannah went on to make snow angels.

She has had a lot of practice making carpet angels and tile angels so she was a pro when it came time to actually make snow angels! :o)

Before we went in, we gave the snow one more chance...

Maybe with sissy?
Fine, we'll go inside!

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