I am: a daughter, sister, wife, mommy, designer, photographer, dachsie owner, crafter
I think: that everything happens for a reason.
I have: an amazing life.
I wish: we didn't have to live paycheck to paycheck.
I hate: the word hate.
I miss: my bestest friend.
I fear: not being able to pay our bills.
I hear: the tv in the living room.
I smell: peppermint candies sitting on my desk.
I crave: time with my daughter. She's the best!
I search: for ways to make my family happy.
I wonder: what this year will bring.
I regret: taking some things for granted...because it could all be gone in the blink of an eye!
I love: my husband, daughter, friends and family! Without them I wouldn't be who I am today.
I ache: from working out for the past week and a half. But at least I am sticking to it! :o) Go me!
I am not: perfect.
I try: to be a good wife, a good friend, and good mother but I cannot be perfect and sometimes its okay to be lazy!
I believe: that things will get better.
I dance: to my workout DVD.
I sing: all the time!
I cry: over the littlest things sometimes.
I fight: with money.
I lose: at least one thing everyday.
I never: have a perfectly clean home...ever.
I always: kiss my husband and daughter.
I confuse: myself sometimes.
I listen: carefully to everyone.
I can usually be found: in the living room playing with my daughter
I need: to be more disciplined when it comes to getting things done.
I am happy: when I am with my family.
I imagine: all of the good things that will happen in 2010.

I miss you too!!