Is it too early? Am I being crazy? To my husband I'm sure the answer is yes! :oP
But is it, really? My husbands insurance is changing and we're having to make some decisions on the coverage we want. I told him to remember that next year we will hopefully be having doctors appointments, maybe an ultrasound... So is it really too early when we're having to think about things like that now?
I tend to have one thing that keeps me occupied. I focus on that one thing until that one thing is over... then I move onto the 'next' thing. For a long time it was planning Hannah's birthday party. Now that the party is over, I think the next thing my mind decided to focus on was baby #2.
Maybe I'm also focusing on this because for right now it's free. I don't have to spend any money to concentrate on this or to look at websites about this. If I took up a craft (see my glitter post !), I would have to spend money. :o/
I don't, by any means, want to hurry the time along because I enjoy so much my time with Hannah... while she is still little... while it is just her. I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with her. I will never get this time back and I will never have this same time with our second because, well, it will be our second. The time baby #2 will get will most likely always involve Hannah as well. But, I look forward to being pregnant again (I loved being pregnant) and having a little tiny baby around. I am excited to give Hannah a baby brother or sister. I am excited to 'compete' our family and enjoy the ride!
Soon enough, I suppose! Soon enough!
In the meantime, I will cherish the time I have with Hannah (as I do everyday!) and I will 'casually' look at baby bedding, names, etc. to keep me busy... at least until I find something else to keep me busy. Maybe I'll just have to buy some glitter... or I might drive Nick nuts! :oP

I got pregnant with Bennett the same month that Peytonn turned 1 years old. If B wasn't early, they would have been 20 months apart.
ReplyDeleteSome days I want to pull my hair out, but then I watch them play together and give each other hugs and kisses and it is so worth it. They will always have a close relationship because of their age.
I think whatever age spacing you decide to have there will be challenges and triumphs. And Hannah will learn how to be a great big sister and show the new baby all the ropes (and fun stuff to get into that drives mom crazy!!). :)
I agree Jen. If I had a job right now I would be ready for baby #1. I'm not on BC and that makes it harder not to secretly 'wish'. :o) But I know for us it's better to wait until next year because we could be moving and do I really want to do that pregnant? And I need a job.....damn this economy! :oP
ReplyDeleteWe are also doing the insurance thing at our end....and a baby is a key factor! I looked through all the baby info they had.
We can wish for baby's together....until next year....although I don't think I'll be able to wait until the end of summer. It might be a spring...early summer.... :oP
It's hard to do what's we can be pre-baby planners together. :o) OH and I so want to do those glitter ball ornaments!
I get like that sometimes too Jen. BUT then I think about my sister raising 2 under 2 and theres NO way I could handle that stress. I can barely handle my 2 yr old neice and addi at the same time. We are doing like 3-4 yrs in between. I want addi to be somewhat independant and out of diapers. And I have so much love for addi its hard to describe-you know the love though, its SO wonderful!!-I don't know if i'm ready to "share" that.
ReplyDeleteBut I think you adapt yourself and your parenting to however many kids you have and whatever ages they are. When we just had P I thought it was so hard to get things done around the house, etc. And then I had two kids and realized that having one was a piece of cake and I could get so much done with just one.
ReplyDeleteAt first when I had a 19 month old and a newborn preemie it would stress me out just to go to walmart for a quick errand. Now I am a single parent of a 2 1/2 year old and 1 year old and work full time while my husband is deployed. And I take care of a house, meals, and 2 kids all by myself. You just find ways to adapt and you learn the best times to do errands with your kids' schedule and moods.
I think being a parent teaches you so much about yourself and makes you a stronger person. You really do see yourself in your kids and they learn from you how to be a strong person and how to get through the stressful times.
parenting is a challenge no matter how many children you have. It is a challenge, however, that I will welcome with open arms. Courtney, you're right when you say we adapt. we adjust our lives and our routines to meet the needs of our children and we do so without question and without hesitation. Everything I do is for Hannah and with Hannah's needs in mind. And having a second child is no exception. While we desire a second child to 'complete' our family, a second child also gives Hannah a family... someone who will be there with her far after her mom and dad are gone. To me a second child is not giving up something, although yes I will no longer have alone time with Hannah, it is gaining more than words could ever explain. It is loving someone more than your heart ever knew it could. I can't wait until that day comes, hense maybe why I'm thinking about it so much these days! I welcome the challenge and the adjustments because the reward is so so worth it! :o)
ReplyDeleteI agree, Jen, it is so worth it. I love watching my boys play together, give each other hugs and kisses, and help each other out. They truly have a special bond that will last a lifetime. :)