Well, this post is a little late... but here it is!

Our little butterfly turned 6 months old this past Saturday. It is really hard to think that she has been here that long already.

Hannah has grown and changed so much in the past 6 months, it is crazy. She is rolling in both directions, she is sitting up with some assistance, she loves to talk, she always wants to stand up, she loves playing with toys, she loves to touch our face and examine them, she's eating solid food, and she's sleeping through the night. Those are so many milestones is such a short period of time. And to think that in the next 6 months she is going to meet even more milestones: crawling, walking, saying words, eating 'real food', celebrating her 1st birthday.
*sign* I love her so much!
To celebrate Hannah's half birthday we went on a walk around Coffee Creek. It was pretty windy and we had a chance of rain, but we managed to get in our walk and take some photos. Everything was still pretty dead, there were no leaves on the trees yet, but I think we got some cute photos! :o)
Side Note—It is very hard to get photos of your little girl sitting up, when she can't actually sit up on her own yet. These were our attempts to get some photos after we moved our hands away really quickly! :oP

We finally just put her on her tummy to take some photos.

And isn't this hat just too cute!?

I'm sure we'll go back in the next month or two when she can sit up on her own and things are a bit prettier outside.
I wish time would slow down so my baby could stay a baby a bit longer but I know it can't...
Here's to the next exciting adventures of your life, Hannah! *kisses* Mommy and daddy love you!
Such a cutie!! And I love the babylegs on her!!!! :) They grow up so fast :(