Christmas on my dad's side:
opening presents
Hannah got a doll house from her great grandparents
This is one of the best family pics we have had taken. I love it! All smiles! :o)
us with my parents
she was wiped out by the end of the night...
Christmas morning at our house:
Hannah absolutely LOVES this pop up house. She calls it her castle. :o)
Christmas at Nick's parents:
enjoying a gingerbread cookie with grandma
Hannah got a table and chairs set
I think Hannah had a really great Christmas. We tried to make sure that she had an extra special one as this was the last one by herself. Next year she will share the joys with her little brother.
I absolutely loved seeing her face as she opened up presents. It really makes Christmas that magical time again...seeing it through your child's eyes. :o)
I just can't believe it over already. The Christmas season always seems to go by way too quickly. Now here we are 2 days away from it being 2011. It's just crazy! Although I am super excited for 2011... I can't wait for all of the new adventures we will embark on as a family of 4. :o)

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