The Road To A Better Me—Week 5

This weeks weigh-in:

147.5 pounds

I lost another 1.5 pounds for a grand total of 8.5 pounds all together.

Now, to be honest with all of you, I am beginning to get a little burnt out on this whole weight loss thing. It takes a lot of effort to constantly watch and write down what you are eating every day. I don't know why I feel this way, especially since what I am doing is clearly working, but I do. I guess it's just a pretty big life adjustment. Don't get me wrong, I do reward myself! But there is still that little voice inside my head asking why I just ate what I ate. That little voice is starting to get really annoying! :o/

All in all, though, I am really happy with my progress so far! How can I not be happy??? I have lost 8.5 pounds! Only 11.5 to go until my goal weight of 136. I must keep on truckin'! :o)

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1 comment

  1. Don't give up Jen! You are looking great, I am really proud of you!


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