Double wow to the fact that today is September 1st.
I have no idea where the summer went, let alone the past 7 months. I feel like I am going to just blink and my second born is going to be 1 year old. *tear* And while I am super excited to see him grow and crawl and walk and actually play with his sissy, I am definitely in no hurry for those things. I want my baby to be a baby as long as possible because, who knows, it might be the last baby I have. I hope not, but who knows.
Anyways, here is what is going on with the little man.
—weighs 16lbs 12oz
—measures 25.5 inches long
—wears size 3 diapers
—wears 6 month shirts and onsies and can still fit into 3-6 month shorts
—sleeps from 9-9 every night and will take at least one good 2 hour nap (usually 2) a day
—drinks 7oz every 5ish hours
—loves every food that we have put in his mouth: banana, pear, mango, butternut squash, sweet potato, carrot, peas, green beans. I think we might start doing finger foods soon. Hannah loved Mum-Mums so we'll try those first.
—can roll both ways but is still content just hanging out, although in the past 2 or so weeks he has really started to roll to get to something, but he'll only roll once. Hannah would roll until she was stuck under the coffee table. This boy, not so much!
—can sit up for a good chunk of time before he topples over.
—has TWO teeth now. I posted about his first one which came in on Aug 21st, and then two days ago his second two finally popped through.
—can 'crawl' aka scoot backwards.
—has randomly gotten up on all 4's (I'll post more on this later today)
—his hair is definitely blonde. I swear it gets more blonde by the day.
—still has blue eyes so I think its a safe bet that they will stay blue. Blonde hair, blue eyes??? A cutie patootie, indeed! :o)
—loves to smile and is very ticklish. I love his baby giggles!
—LOVES to watch his sissy.
Colson is definitely our little bundle of joy. He is so happy most of the time.
We love you little man!

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