Simple Pleasures

Kelly over at Kelly's Korner posted a blog entry about her simple pleasures.

Here are some of my simple pleasures (in no particular order):

1.  Hannah saying mama

2.  baby giggles

3.  an ice cold pop

4.  a warm fire and a fuzzy blanket

5.  the smell of pine trees in wisconsin

6.  cute little notes left for no reason

7.  hugs

8.  getting packages in the mail

9.  the crunch of leaves in the fall

10.  60 degree weather

11.  remembering that there is nothing more important than my family and friends

12.  fingernail polish

13.  getting kisses from my baby

14.  cuddling on the couch

15.  my husband doing a double take when I walk by

16.  baby clothes

17.  a day spent in pjs

18.  candles

19.  ice cream

20.  comfy sweatshirts

What are some of your simple pleasures?


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