We'll start with our christmas tree! :o)
We headed out on December 5th to cut down our christmas tree. It was a little cold that day so we had to bundle Hannah up with a hat and gloves. We headed out to Hensler Nursery. I found the place online and it looked like a nice place to go, so we drove the 45 minutes to go there, and boy am I glad we did. The place was great!
This is what it looked like when you pulled up:
How freakin' cute is that!?
We decided to take a horse drawn trailer out to the field. Here we are waiting to go dashing through the snow! :oP Although there was no snow, it wasn't a sleigh and there were 2 horses not 1; but anyways...
We looked around for the 'perfect' tree! We didn't want a huge one (although we do have 12 foot ceilings in our living room), we just wanted something around 5 feet because we were going to put the tree in a planter so it's up a little higher and Hannah can't really reach it.
Here is our tree! So cute!
Here is Nick cutting down our tree.
After we found our tree, my parents found their tree. Theirs is just a tad bit bigger than ours! :oP
After we were done cutting down our trees we enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate. It was just a great day! I look forward to doing that with Hannah for many years to come! :o)
I ended up decorating the tree while Hannah was taking a nap. I wanted her to help me but she is just too little to even understand the concept of putting ornaments on the tree. So we will have to wait until next year.
But daddy and Hannah did help with the star!

YAY! for the Christmas tree and having your computer. We should have a comptuer tomorrow...