Christmas #3--Christmas Morning, Our House
Christmas Day sure did sneak up on me. And now I can't believe it is over. *tear* But it was a great morning! The look on Hannah's face as she ripped the paper off to get to her gifts was priceless. She got so excited every time we handed her a new gift. It really made Christmas so much more enjoyable knowing Hannah was truly excited to open her gifts and to find out what she had gotten.
Christmas #4--Christmas Night, My Parent's House
After a nice relaxing Christmas morning we were off to my parents house for dinner and more gifts from Santa. My sister and brother-in-law traveled up from Indy which was nice. We had a nice prime rib dinner with cheesecake for dessert! Yummy! And before we all feel asleep we managed to open up our gifts. :o)
The day after Christmas we headed to Nick's parent's house for dinner and even more gifts. By this time Hannah already had a mini community of Little People...but after Nick's parents she had a full blown Little people community--over 50 Little People figures!
And after all of the excitement, Hannah was ready to crash! It was a busy week of opening gifts for her! :oP
I hope you all had a great Christmas...surrounded by the ones who mean most to you! I still can't believe it is all over! :o(

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