With that being said....
Nick and I went shopping at Toys R Us on Friday to get things for Hannah. I told Nick I didn't want to wait any longer because I remember when I was a kid going to Toys R Us around Christmas-time and it was just a mess and super crowded. Well it was no exception this time either. We were glad we went when we did! I don't even want to imagine what it would be this weekend or the next. Geesh! :o/
But we walked around the store to find things for Hannah for Christmas. We told ourselves that were weren't going to go crazy. Between her just having her birthday almost 2 months ago, her grandparents buying her gifts and the fact that she is only 1 year old...she doesn't need tons of toys. And they are toys that are age specific so we would rather wait until the summer to get some 'bigger girl' toys (2 yr toys) instead of more 1 year or 18 month toys.
So here is what we ended up getting her:
Fisher-Price Corn Popper
Little People Animals (Nick's mom got her the Little People Farm so I thought these would be a good add on... even though they really go to the Noahs Ark)
Foam Letters for the bath tubPlayskools: Busy Poppin' Pals (my mom has the one I played with when i was little at her house and Hannah loves it, so we got one for our house too.)
I think we still want to get her a couple more smaller things either to wrap or to put in her stocking. She is really into just holding little toys in her hands and putting them in her purse and stuff (hence the add on animals) so I want to try to find something along those lines. Then maybe a puzzle.
These perhaps???
So we are almost done shopping for Hannah. I have not even begun to shop for Nick. I am usually good at coming up with something to get him but this year I am blank. I was going to get him a brick from the old Yankee Stadium but it is a little (or a lot) out of our spending price range this year. Do you have any good ideas for something to get a hubby? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :o)
Hope your Christmas shopping is going well! 18 days till Christmas!

Since Erin and I are doing the 'stocking' thing, I got him UNO, candy, Hot Wheels -- just fun things that he talks about. Silly - but I know we will play UNO and he can save the cars for his son. )if he gets a son)