On Sunday, we had Christmas #2. This time it was at my grandparents house for my dad's side.
I have a ton of cousins on my dad's side (as well as my mom's) and some of those cousins have children of their own. Hannah is just now reaching the age where she is absolutely fascinated by other kids...so she was having a blast playing with her first cousins once removed.
Hannah also loved opening her gifts!
Hannah was 'finding santa' on her great grandmas shirt and going "ho ho". :o) It was pretty cute.
How can you just not love that cute little face!?
Hannah and mommy. Too bad Hannah doesn't know how to say cheese for the camera yet... :o/
Family pic.
We still have 2 more christmases to go...Christmas day at my parents and the days after Christmas at Nick's parents.
I'm not really sure how I am going to fit all of Hannah's new toys into our house... let alone our living room. :o/

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