Hannah's 1st Day of Kindergarten

Hannah woke up so excited today.

"I can't believe today is kindergarten day!"

That made it slightly easier for me to send her off on the bus...slightly. 

But Hannah just hopped right on that bus and sat in the very first seat...with a huge smile on her face!

I managed to hold in the tears until the bus started driving away. :o(

I know she will have fun and I am excited to hear all about how her first day went!!


  1. Thankfulky I have two more years. What a sweet big girl!! I'm going to be an emotional crazy mess!! Can't wait to see how she liked it!

  2. Hannah looked super cute on her first day!! I'm certain she is having a blast!!

  3. Oh my goodness! What a special day! I will be a mess too when Aubrey goes to Kindergarten!


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