How far along? 22 weeks today
How big is baby? the size of a papaya--11 inches long and weighing about a pound
Weight gain? +14 :o( but that's pretty on track for where I was with Colson. I'm just hoping to avoid the crazy 9 pound weight gain in 5 weeks that I had with him between now and 29 weeks.
Maternity clothes? Yep. Still need a pair of maternity jean shirts though.
Stretchmarks? nope
Sleep? If my restless legs calm down I am able to fall asleep, but all week they have been driving me crazy!
Best moment this week? 31 years ago today my mom got the best birthday present ever! :oP hahaha! I was born! I wouldn't want to share a birthday with anyone else! We're celebrating our birthdays tonight!
Movement? Baby is a mover. I love feeling the thumps and wiggles!
Food cravings? Nothing specific really.
Gender? Team Green!
Labor signs? no!
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss? Other than having a comfortable bra I am not missing anything right now.
What I am looking forward to? Meeting this little peanut! Plus working on some DIY projects for baby. I have already made a new boppy cover and I am currently waiting on fabric to finish a quilt. (Blog post to come)
Milestones? Over half way done now.
Next doctor's appointment? June 10th--BP yesterday was 126/78 which is pretty low for me but he still wants to see me every two weeks to make sure it doesn't spike and I need to be put on meds. Non-stress tests and ultrasounds will start around 28 weeks.
Here is my bump picture.

You look great!!! I hope your BP stays good...that was my issue when I was pregnant with Emma. I ended up with hypertension and it's so not fun. But so far with baby #2, it's been good! Keeping my fingers crossed for you =)
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this post?!
ReplyDeleteGood job on your bp! Keep it that way! :oP Can't wait to see the post on the projects....I need to know what we are having so I can make baby some things! :o)
Also, cute top, where from??