How in the world are you 2 years old already? It feels just like yesterday that we welcomed you into the world...
and now, here you are...TWO!
You are an adorable, spunky, funny, and very affectionate little boy and we couldn't love you more!
You are still tiny. You can still rock some 12 month clothes but are mostly wearing 18 month now. 24 month and 2T clothes are no where near close to fitting you yet.
You are in a size 4 diaper and a size 5.5 shoe.
We are working on your letters and you know the sounds of most of them. We are now just working on the visual recognition part.
You can count to 5 when you want to but most of the time you stop at 4.
You can't seem to grasp colors yet even though I have been working with you. You still say everything is blue and I am trying to not freak out about my irrational fear of you possibly being color blind.
You do not like to pronounce the first consonant of any word... although with learning your alphabet, I can tell that you are slowly getting better.
You are still not speaking in full sentences but you can repeat almost everything we say.
You have a very good memory and can remember things that we told you different types of animals, etc. Which is why I have that crazy fear of you being color blind, because you just cannot seem to grasp your colors... :o/
You love food, although you have definitely become more picky these past few months.
You love Minnie Mouse.
You love cars and blocks. You have more than any one child should ever need.
You love your Bama's (grandma's) the point where no one else exists when you are with them.
You can throw a tantrum with the best of 'em but we try to not acknowledge you when you do. Because of this, you seem to get over very quickly whatever it was you thought was worthy of a tantrum and you move onto something else.
You are a great little brother! You put up with your sister's crap and you still hug her and love on her.
You have been a joy in our lives, Colson, since the day you arrived. You have become a wonderful little boy and we are very lucky that you are ours!
We love you!
Mommy, Daddy, and sissy Hannah

Awww! He's so grown up! My little one is going to be 2 next week. Where did the time go?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet boy! Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteHappy 2nd Birthday to Colson!! I cannot believe you all are hitting this milestone right now. I feel like our boys were just little babies yesterday! Enjoy celebrating mama :)