We also decided to try un-swaddling Colson to see how he would do. He woke up a few times the first night but went right back to sleep. He is actually sleeping better and longer now that he is 'free'.
I really need to order some photos (family and wedding) so I can get the wall mural I want up in our living room.
I want to redo our landscaping block in the front of the house. (yes I might be crazy!) I no longer like the block, plus it is all shifting and looks kind of bad. So I want to move the blocks in the front to the backyard and buy new block for the front. I am currently trying to convince my husband of this...hopefully I can soon because it is really driving me nuts! I will have to do a post of our landscaping here soon. It has really come together this spring and is looking awesome so I want to show it off! :O)
Colson is as cute as ever! I just want to squeeze him and love on him all day long!
Hannah and Colson together are also the cutest this ever! They are going to have so much fun together when they get older!

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