Without getting into detail (it would end up being a book if I were to tell you everything), I can happily tell you that it is over! The events hell of, not only this week but the past 2 and a half years, is finally over and we can move on with our lives.
For those of you who follow me on facebook or know the circumstances surrounding this past week (and the past 2 and a half years), you know just how difficult this has been for our family. For those of you who have given me and my family support and words of encouragement, I just want you to know that I (we) love you all! This was not easy for our family but because of you we felt loved and supported and we were able to go on with our lives knowing that there were shoulders to lean on. For those who were with us this past week, you will never truly know just how much it meant to us to have you standing next to us.
We started this with tears of sadness and we are fortunate enough to end this with tears of happiness and relief!
Today we can start fresh and for a lack of a better term, we can celebrate!
I have been missing in action this week because of these certain events. Please accept my apologies but family-immediate and extended-was much more important during this difficult time.
I promise I will resume blogging once I emotionally and mentally recover from this past week's events.

Well I don't know the story but I'm glad its over for you!