—move computers out of the nursery and into the new offices—DONE!
—move changing table from Hannah's room to the nursery—DONE!
—buy baskets for the changing table to store diapers, blankets, etc.—DONE!
—get crib mattress and a mattress pad
—finish moving the last few things into my office
—bring cradle up from the basement and get it in the master bedroom
—get Hannah's room arranged so I can get her toys from the living room in there—DONE!
—put infant swing back together and get it set up in the living room—DONE!
—get shelves hung in the mud room closet
—bring up infant bath tub from the basement—DONE!
—clean out the car
—get car seat base installed in the backseat of the car
—put the bundle me back on the car seat so Colson doesn't freeze when we bring him home
—write out addresses on envelopes for Colson's birth announcements—DONE!
—make a trip to the store to buy the last few things we need—DONE!—finish packing hospital bag for me and Nick
And just to include some photos with this post...
Hannah decided to grab one of her books and sit in the rocking chair while I was getting Colson's room organized.
She's so cute!
Gotta love the headband...she made the request to wear it today. :o)

dang girl! You've been busy!! Nesting? And love the headband! :)