Weight gain/loss: +4 pounds total.
Maternity clothes? Just pants for the most part, although I'll wear tops occasionally.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep? I am annoying myself with how much I am getting up to pee! URGH!
Best moment this week? We got most of our fence panels up! I also made a baby cocoon for the baby--my first item made/bought for baby #2! :o) (blog post about the cocoon coming later!)
Food cravings: Nothing really.
Gender: My guess is boy. Hoping to schedule our ultrasound at our next appointment for September 29th--our anniversary! :o)
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? Not yet.
What I miss? Jeans! Will Fall hurry up!?
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the baby move.
Milestones: Baby is measuring 4-4 1/2 inches long and can now move all of her joints and limbs!

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