Weight gain? None
Sleep? I toss and turn pretty much all night which is weird because I can barely keep my eyes open by 7 o'clock. You'd think I'd sleep like a log, but nope!
Best moment this week? Last Friday we saw our baby for the first time. I never got an early ultrasound with Hannah so this was extra special. We also saw the little heart flickering away! It was beautiful.
Food cravings? I have been wanting bagels so I bought a bag last week. Yum! Other than that, nothing too specific. I'm just hungry all the time.
What I miss. Coke, of course! And not feeling queasy and dizzy everyday.
What I'm looking forward to. Making it to 12 weeks and having everything still be okay with our little peanut. Next appointment is Aug 9th so I'll be one day shy of 13 weeks. I also can't wait until Hannah understands that she is going to be a big sis. Right now we tell her there is a baby I mommy's tummy but she doesn't quite get it yet. Although she did kiss my tummy the other day. So cute!
What I love about being pregnant this week. Knowing that our little peanut is okay and growing bigger everyday.
Milestones? Saw baby's heartbeat!
**When I get further along and I actually start to get a little bump, I will post pics! It will be fun to compare this pregnancy with my pregnancy with Hannah. I'm sure I'll start showing a lot sooner that 14-16 weeks this time!**

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ReplyDeleteWe could see Alessia's heartbeat at 9 weeks and it was so unbelievable that there was a "real heart" already that beats all the time in this little peanut! I find myself at times looking at Alessia and thinking what a wonder it is how new life begins!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you!!!!
I am really liking the update posts like this. It answers everyone's questions all at once. :) Thanks!