This past year has been the fastest year ever. I can't believe my baby girl is 1 year old.
I took her last 'monthly' picture today, which kind of makes me sad.

But at the same time, I am excited. Hannah is becoming a little person. She is so close to walking. She talks up a storm. Her new words include papa and duck. She loves everything we put into her mouth: grilled cheese, mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, oranges, apple, pears, peaches, cheese, crackers, turkey lunch meat, pancakes, muffins, eggs... and as of today... birthday cake! :oP She is actually interacting with toys and learning what to do with them, instead of just holding them and looking at them. It is so crazy how fast she is learning new things.
Hannah,This past year has been the best year of our lives... watching you grow and learn. You are so amazing. You make our bad days good with your little smiles and giggles. And it is so special when you give us the occasional kiss! :oP Mommy and daddy love you with all of our hearts. Happy 1st Birthday baby girl!Love, Mommy and Daddy
(Birthday party post tomorrow!)
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