Three days ago we gave Hannah her first taste of solid food.
We started her on rice cereal for the time being but we'll probably try baby food next week.
We video taped and took photos of this new adventure. We totally thought it was going to be a humorous event. We thought that the food was going to go everywhere... all over Hannah... all over mommy. We thought that at the end of this adventure we would have to take a shower to get the food out of our hair.
Yeah, no, Hannah ate the cereal like she had been eating it forever. I couldn't shovel the food into her mouth fast enough. She was like a little bird.
We are so proud of our little girl for doing so well. I'm sure that we'll have a breakdown in eating eventually... with a food she doesn't like... but for right now Hannah is eating solids like a pro! :o) We are going on day 4 today!
Here are some photos from her first feeding!

awww what a big girl! Can you ask her to talk to my child about wanting to eat something other than breastmilk?! I got him to keep some banana in to day but I had to hand feed it to him off my finger. lol