It has been chilly and raining here for the past few days. BLAH. Although the rain is nice because them we don't have to water the sod that we laid 2 weekends ago! Free water! :oP It is supposed to warm up again though by the end of the week so I am hoping that it stays that way. I want to start taking walks with Hannah on a more regular basis... and get my fat ass in gear! :oP
I have been working a little bit too... which is another reason why I haven't posted anything. I love staying home with Hannah... but when there is money to be made, I have to go make it. But I'm not going to complain about being a part time/almost full time stay at home mommy. Last week I worked one day, this week I'm working 2 maybe three. I'm pretty much on an as needed basis without exceeding 4 days a week. I don't want to work more than that. The ultimate goal is to not have to go back to work at all (or maybe only work when things are really busy just for some fun spending money) but right now I need to work when I can.
Ummm... I have not uploaded any photos recently so recent pics are going to have to come in another post, on another day (I have some super cute ones! :oP ), but I will post one pic from a few weeks ago so this post isn't photo-less. :o)
Look at my big strong girl! :o)

I think that is all for now. :o/ Man, do I need to change my blog header....
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