When I had Hannah I was shocked when she cam out with hair. At our 3D ultrasound they said she didn't have any hair but when she was born... there was tons of it.
Granted it not long and its really not even all that thick but its there and I am dying to put some cute little clips in it. I have held off because really she was too young, she couldn't even hold up her head. I would just occasionally put her in a headband. But now that Hannah can hold up her head and sit up with some assistance, I think it is time to purchase some clips.
I have found some cute ones, on none other than, Etsy!
shopmayapapaya |

And speaking of Etsy, be on the lookout for my new store. I have been working on items since December and my poor store has been sitting empty for over a month, but I am almost ready to post some items.
Here is a hint as to one of the things I am going to have for sale! :o)

Be on the lookout for the grand opening of: The Pink Lollipop! :o)

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