Goodbye 2014!

2014 is coming to an end...and boy did it fly by!

Do you remember the 365 photo project I was doing with the kiddos? Well I posted my last photo--day 365--about an hour ago. 

Holy moly, I can't believe I took a photo of all three kiddos together everyday for an entire year. I honestly never thought I would stick with it butI am so glad I did!  It was such an awesome project and I can't wait to put all 365 photos into a book.

Here is Day 1:

And here is Day 365:

They kids have changed so much and that makes me sad. :o(

I am not doing the 365 day pics again in 2015 but I am going to try to do more 'life' pictures....with not necessarily of all three kiddos in the pic. We'll see how that goes. :o) Be sure to check out my IG!

So goodbye were good to us!


I wish you all a very Happy New Year!!

Christmas Day!

The kids woke us up around 7:00...which was awesome since we told them when they woke up to come get us. I thought we had made a huge mistake telling them that and we were going to get a 5am wake-up call. But 7 wasn't too bad. :o)

The kiddos were very excited to open gifts. This was the first year they were truly ecstatic and jumping up and down saying "Santa came, Santa came!". It was pretty awesome.

So we wasted no time and tore right into stockings and presents.

Christmas really is way more fun with kids! :o)

After we were done opening gifts at our house, we headed to Nick's parent's house for breakfast and more presents.

We have toys and boxes all over our house. It is a complete mess and needs some major organizing, but the kiddos are loving every minute of the toy explosion that is going on in our house. :o)

It's crazy to think that it's already over though. It makes me sad. We have ready taken down our tree and decorations and our house looks so...boring. :o( 

Christmas Eve

Once again christmas arrived way too early! I wish the month of December was twice as long so I could listen to more Christmas music and enjoy the decorations longer, but every year it just seems to get shorter and shorter. :o( Sadness, I tell ya!

But we had a great Christmas!

We started off the fun with Christmas Eve at my parents house. We did dinner and presents and hung out. It was great!

We ended the presents with this monster--a motorized car for the kiddos to share! I can't wait for the Spring when we can take it out cruisin' around the subdivision! :oP

Once we were home, we wrapped up the day with setting out cookies and milk for Santa and oats and carrots for the reindeer.

Then, once the kiddos were asleep, Santa dropped off the presents! :o)

Merry Christmas!!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas filled with lots of love and laughter.

Our living room is still a mess but I wouldn't have it any other way! :o)

Christmas Cookies

Yesterday and today we were Christmas cookie making fools!!

We started the day cutting out gingerbread cookies. Hannah had gotten a recipe from school so we tried it out.

Once we were done with those we loaded up and headed to my moms to cut out butter cookies.

After all of that, it was time to head home for naps.

Once the kids woke up though, we decorated the gingerbread men.

Mommy and daddy did the outline but the kiddos did the rest.

I think they turned out great!! :o)

Then today we headed back over to grandmas house to decorate the butter cookies.

Hailey kind of just ate the decorations. :oP

Here is one of my cookies. I have mad cookie decorating skillz. :oP

So not was definitely a cookie filled 2 days but the kiddos had a blast!! :o)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Holy moly!!