Due Date? October 2nd
How far along? 24 weeks today
How big is baby? the size of a cantaloupe--about 11 inches long and weighing just over a pound
Weight gain? +17 :o(
Maternity clothes? Yep. Still need a pair of maternity jean shorts though. Summer will come and stay eventually! :o/
Stretchmarks? nope
Sleep? Sill fighting restless legs. I have a hard time falling asleep.
Best moment this week? Nick and I took a little kid-free vacation...well, minus the one residing in my tummy. :oP It was nice to get away for a bit!
Movement? I think, perhaps, the baby is trying to escape out through my belly button!
Food cravings? Nothing specific. Just hungry all the time.
Gender? Team Green!
Labor signs? no! Although I have noticed some pretty crazy Braxton Hicks which is something I never really noticed with my other two.
Belly button in or out? in
What I miss? Not much right now.
What I am looking forward to? Finding out whether this peanut is a boy or a girl. Although I am doing okay now...I'm sure as we get closer to time, I will start to go nuts!
Milestones? Over half way done now. If I am induced early again (which I haven't asked my doc if I will or not), we're looking at only another 14-15 weeks. Unless baby 3 decides it wants to come earlier.
Next doctor's appointment? July 8th--BP yesterday was 136/70. Since my BP hasn't been too crazy he decided to see me in 4 weeks which will put me just shy of 28 weeks. I'm guessing I will still do the NST and ultrasounds starting sometime soon after that. Once I reach that point, I think time will fly.
Here is my bump picture.
And a little comparison with the other two.
Hannah-23 weeks, Colson-23 weeks, Baby #3-24 weeks (I flipped the photo for better comparison)

Other than just weighing less when pregnant with Hannah, I think my bumps are pretty close to the same size. Yes? No?

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