Friday Randoms

1. It's never going to get nice outside. 45 degrees today and the middle of April. Come on Spring, stop teasing us!

2. I would really love to get a new double side-by-side stroller.

Here are my requirements:

It needs to have an infant seat adapter.
It needs to fit through a standard door.
It needs to not cost a fortune.

I've been looking at the Baby Jogger City Mini but honestly I am clueless when it comes to double strollers.

Suggestions? Recommendations? Any help is greatly appreciated!

3. I'm in that stage of pregnancy where I feel like I don't quite look pregnant to other people and I just look extra fat. With this crappy weather, I am also having a hard time dressing in clothes that make me feel comfortable. I've got the semi-belly, boobs that are driving me nuts, and a very limited wardrobe. More times that not, if I have to get dressed in 'real' clothes (aka. Not yoga pants) than I am uncomfortable to the point where it puts me in a grumpy mood. And that just sucks! Because I want to love my belly because this is the last one I will have.

4. This is the first weekend in quite some time that we don't have anything planned. No family functions to go to. But with the crappy weather, I have no idea if we'll be able to get anything done around the house. We really need to move/remove two evergreen bushes from our front flower beds but I don't particularly want to do that when it 40 degrees outside. We also need to buy stain to stain our fence and deck. Fun times. And let's not even talk about cleaning out the garage! :o/

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  1. Target! Liz Lange tank and tshirts are the best! (At least I think so) I wear them not preg mainly because they fit my boobs!! They are just basic tanks/ts. If it were spring if say gets some maxi dressed/cardigans.

  2. The baby jogger city mini double is very popular. I have the Britax single version of the stroller and I really like it. Light weight and very compact. My only complaint in the small storage basket underneath. But if you have one of those hanging diaper bags, its not really an issue. It does have an infant seat adapter that you can buy separately and fits through standard doorways. Check out or for better prices than the stores and free shipping

    I really considered that one for my double, but we 'off road' a lot and I wanted bigger tires that could handle that. But otherwise, I probably would have went or the City Mini double.


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