If, at our next ultrasound they confirm it is a girl, I am going with this bedding from Pottery Barn!

I had originally set out to find a gender neutral bedding, mostly because we didn't think we were going to find out the sex and because we wanted to use it for our next baby as well. But after finding out she is a girl, I figured why not do a girly bedding!? Would I really reuse this crib bedding for our next child? Probably not, I get bored with things to easily. So I set out to find a bedding that was girly without SCREAMING girl! I think this bedding is perfect! Its pink, blue, green and orange. I love it. With our dark espresso furniture, I love it even more! :o) And how cute is it that I can get her name on the blanket!? Ah! So cute!
So now I'm eager to have our next ultrasound so we can in fact confirm that she is a girl. Then my mom will order everything for me (it is going to be a gift from my mom!). :o) Hurry up next ultrasound... I want to schedule you!
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