Pumpkin Pickin 2013
This pic just cracks me up! :oP
Halloween is one week from today (craziness!).

Friday Randoms
Life with three kiddos is going way smoother than I ever thought it would. We have figured out a schedule for the mornings that Hannah has school and I have yet to need to run around like a crazy person to get everyone out of the door. Thank goodness! Hailey is so easy going and pretty much sleeps all.the.time so that has definitely made this three kid transition rather easy. So far any way. *knock on wood*
Hannah had school pictures taken this week and I can't wait to see them. They took the kids outside to get the true feel of 'the barn' so I am excited!
In other school news, Hannah loves school. She comes home singing songs that they learned that day and I just love all of the school crafts that she brings home. It was actually my turn to volunteer at her school last week so I got to help out and see what she does during those three hours! This past week was all about owls! :o) Next Wednesday is her little birthday party at school (because my first baby turns 5 on Friday! What!?)! so I am volunteering that day too. She has to bring a treat for everyone and they sing happy birthday. I think I am going to make that funfetti dip that is floating around Pinterest paired with animal cookies. If you were 5 that would be an awesome treat, right!? Man, I am a newb when it comes to the school stuff!
Hannah's first season of soccer come to a close tomorrow. She has improved soooo much in such a short period of time! She is actually getting in there and trying to take the ball away! I am so proud of her! It makes me very excited for the spring session! During the winter though, I think we are going to try dance. She is such a little performer that I think she will really love it! I'll let you know how it goes! :o)
After Hannahs soccer game tomorrow, we are heading to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins. Last year we waited to long and ended up just going to the store to get some, so this year I wanted to make sure we went early enough to take the tractor ride out to the field!
Like I said above, Hannah turns 5 next Friday. It totally blows my mind that my first baby is that old already. We're going to take the birthday girl out shopping this weekend to pick something special out!
I have also been in party planning mode, although this year I am feeling a bit lost. The theme (and I say theme very loosely) is sprinkles and sparkles. However, I am finding it very hard to incorporate both so I think everything is leaning more towards the sprinkle side. Honestly, I should have picked just one of those things but I started out doing both so I am sticking with it. I have some sparkle decorations already bought so I'll put them up, but I made these streamer thingies to tie in the sprinkle part of the party. A post is coming about more of the details!
Fall has finally decided to come and actually we are leaning more towards the colder side than the awesome comfortable 60 degree weather side and that makes me sad. Ever year we always see to get cheated out of the glorious Fall weather and go straight from 80 to 50. But I love this time of year! I have my scentsy going with yummy Fall scents and my boots and skinny jeans have made their way out of the back of my closet! I really do love this time of year! :o)
So yeah, stay tuned for school photos, pumpkin patch fun, and birthday party details!!! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
I Am 1 in 4.
An astounding 1 in 4 women have suffered a loss. It is a statistic no woman wants to be a part of but chances are, you know one or more woman that are part of that statistic.
I am 1 in 4.
Last year we lost our precious baby. I never had the chance to hold them or kiss their cheek...and it may not be something I talk about often but they will forever and always hold a special place in my heart.
1 in 4 is definitely not a statistic that I want to be a part of, but I am and the least I can do is share that in hopes of helping out another woman who might feel so desperately alone.
You are not alone!
Today we remember you and all of the precious babies that cannot be hold in our arms.
1 Month Old!
Hailey, you are 1 month old today!
Your first month flew by and I can't believe you are already 1 month old. You have done a lot in your first month of life. You went to the apple orchard. You've watched your big sister play soccer. You've helped mommy drop sissy off at school. You've gone on your first family walk.
You are such a good baby.
You sleep all the time right now. You give mommy good 5 hours stretches of sleep at night.
You can still fit into your newborn clothes comfortably and I get a smile on my face every time I put you into one of your sisters old outfits.
You are still in newborn diapers but once we run out I will move you up to size 1.
You have rolled over from your tummy to your back 4 times. I know they were all just flukes but I still wanted to document them.
We all love you so very much, especially your big sister and big brother! :o)
You were definitely the missing piece to our family!