This year flew by, but man, it was a great year. Definitely the best one yet! :o)
Here is our past year in photos!
We welcomed our son and Hannah became a big sister!
We colored Easter eggs.
We celebrated Father's Day--wearing our matching Yankees t-shirts.
I started my baby food making adventure.Colson went for his first swim.

We went to the County Fair.

Colson started to rock on all fours--and then move backwards, which then progressed to army crawling and then actual crawling.
Nick and I went to a Chicago Bears game--my first NFL football game.Colson got his first tooth.
We went on our apple picking adventure.
We went to the pumpkin patch.
Hannah turned 3 years old and we celebrated by throwing her a tea party!
Colson took his first bath in a 'big boy' tub.
Snow White and her dwarf went trick or treating for the first time.And Nick's grandma was able to join us all the way from Florida.
We cut down our Christmas tree on an unseasonably warm 50 degree day.
And we celebrated Colson's first Christmas!