I have a short list of names that I like, but the hubby has pretty much vetoed most of them.
The hubby is pretty much set on names, but I go back and forth on them.
We have kind of avoided this subject the whole pregnancy, but with less than four weeks to go, I feel like we need to finalize a name.
With Hannah, we agreed on the name pretty quickly.
With Colson, it took a bit more work. We changed our minds on a name (you can read about it HERE and HERE) and it took some convincing on my part to get the hubby on board with Colson...but now we can't imagine him being named anything else.
We want our third child's name to follow the feel of Hannah and Colson's name but the problem is that Hannah is a solid classic name and Colson is a pretty rare name. Yet, I feel like they go very well together. ???? Maybe its just me.
But how to you come up with names to follow the same feel of names that are essentially on the opposite ends of the name spectrum???
Yeah, it's hard! Or maybe I'm making it harder than it should be?
The other problem is that we are not sharing our names. We haven't really even talked about names with people at all. It's driving the grandmas crazy and honestly it is starting to drive me crazy. I know that our child's name is up to us and really if someone didn't like our name choice, I wouldn't change it because of them...but I feel like if we were able to talk it out with others we might be able to come to a conclusion.
So, I am open to name suggestions! :o) The only thing we don't want is for this child to be one of 20 in their class with that name, so we try to stay away from top names.
Please help! :o)