They were perfect when Hannah was a baby. They pretty much minded their own business. But there were times where they showed affection.
But as soon as Hannah was mobile, they kept their distance. They weren't too sure about this little being trying to grab their tail.
Once Hannah was old enough to know not to pull their tails or hit them though they would acknowledge her and take treats from her. They even let her pet them and gave her kisses. :o)
When Colson was born this cycle started all over. The dogs minded their own business. But there were those times were you knew they really loved this new addition...almost acting as a protector.
Colson started crawling and they kept their distance. Once Colson started walking, they couldn't run away fast enough. :oP
But now Colson loves giving them kisses and hugs, and chasing them with the ball popper. :oP
And most of the times they respect each others space.
The kids know to let them be when they are asleep. But they also know when Emma wants to play ball and they will throw it her; or when Dodger wants to play a good game of 'tug of war' and Colson gets pulled around the living room.
I never had a dog growing up, but my sister and I aways wanted one. I am glad that our kids get to grow up knowing the love and joy of a dog.
Link up with Melissa over at Growing Up Geeky for this weeks Toddle Along Tuesday!