1. I had a fabulous birthday. I went over to my mom's for part of the day and we had banana cake to celebrate.
Then when Nick got home we headed to the mystery restaurant. :oP Turns out he made reservations at Tosi's. We have only been there twice before but we love it! I'm sure we would go more often if it wasn't so far away and it wasn't so pricey.
Nick got me the dress I am wearing... he wanted me to have something nice to wear to dinner and he knew I wanted a Maxi dress so he got me one for my birthday. Well... kind of anyways. He had his mom pick one out but it didn't quite fit, so I returned it and got this one. So technically I picked it out but it was Nick's idea to get me a dress. :o)

2. Today we went to the European Market. It was the first one of the summer so it was pretty crowded, but it was a lot of fun. Nick got me these beautiful flowers. Isn't that peach flower gorgeous!? It's a peach peony! I LOVE it!

3. Hannah can sit on her own (for the most part). She is just always wanting to move so she will scoot her butt out so she can roll. I don't know... I think she might just go straight from rolling to walking. She is already very stubborn!