I was tagged by a fellow blogger, Johannah over at
The Sirois Family, to do a Christmas tag post. I love Christmas so I will happily do this! :o)
So here it is.
1.) What makes Christmas such a special holiday for you and your family?
Christmas is the time of year for traditions. Every year we would go to the Christmas tree farm and cut down a tree. We would listen to Christmas music while decorating it. Me and my sister would sit on the counters and help my mom make butter cookies. We would have a Christmas Eve picnic in the living room and watch Christmas movies...all while wearing our Christmas jammies.
We still try to do a lot of those things even though we have moved away and I love that I get to keep these traditions for my kids as well. We cut down our Christmas tree. We're going to grandmas tomorrow to all make butter cookies. And we plan on stopping by on Christmas eve to partake in the picnic...matching Christmas jammies and all! :o)
2. Were you told the truth about Santa Clause by your parents, or did you find out another way? Do you plan on telling your kids about Santa (if you have them or plan to have them)?
I don't think I was told the truth about Santa...I just kind of figured it out. Although I am a firm believer that Santa lives in all of us...we all act as Santa.
I am sure Hannah will figure it out. She is smart when it comes to things like that. But for right now, the big jolly old man comes down our chimney and leaves presents. And when she does figure it out, I will explain to her that while there is not one man that is actually Santa, we all act as Santa. We try to bring joy to people when we can.
3.) Real tree or fake tree?
I had always had a real tree when I was little...so when Hannah was born we started the tradition of going out to cut down a tree, as well. It's something she loves and gets excited about and I just love that! :o)
4. Do you open presents on Christmas morning, Christmas Eve, or both?
Christmas Morning.
5. What is your favorite Christmas movie to watch, and favorite Christmas song to sing or listen to?
As far as movies, you gotta love The Charlie Brown Christmas and The Grinch. I always watch The Christmas Story at least once.
For Christmas music, my all time favorite is the Dolly Parton and Kenny Rodgers Christmas CD. I would dance around the living room with my sister to that cd! Every time I hear any other their songs I still get all happy and excited! :o)
I am also a huge fan of James Taylor- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.
Okay, I'm tagging...
A McFall MinuteTwo Boys and A Little LadyOur Cozy CasaYou Are My ColorI hope you guys will play along! :o)