8A HUGE thank you to Katie over at Love, Lattes and Lullabies for giving me this Blog On Fire Award! I first 'met' Katie over on The Bump. We were due with our sons around the same time. Her little boy, Colin, is just too cute for words and Katie is one super sweet momma! One day we'll get our boys together to meet one another! :o)
I am really honored to be given this award and to share it with so many great women! When I started my blog back when I was pregnant with Hannah, I never thought that I would have so many people reading my blog. The fact that so many people read about my life is pretty flattering and it makes my heart happy! I am glad that I get to share my little life with all of you and I love reading all of your blogs, as well! :o)
Now the rules for redeeming this award are:
•Write 7 things about yourself
•Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers
So here it goes! :o)
7 things about me:
1. I was born on my mom's birthday. It's pretty awesome. If we have a third child maybe I can try to plan it where it is born on my birthday! :oP
2. I never missed a day of school until I was in the 4th grade. I got hit by a car while walking to the bus and missed a week of school. Then later that same school year, I got the chicken pox. 4th grade was not a good year for me! :oP But after 4th grade, I never missed another day of school.
3. I have always lived within 5 miles of my husband but we didn't actually meet until high school because of the school zoning.
4. I have known my husband for half of my life. We will be the big 3-0 next year (gasp!) and we have known each other for 15 years. Crazy!
5. I am addicted to Coca Cola. It is like my coffee. My dad works for Coke so I guess that explains a lot of it. :oP But even through this whole weight loss journey, I refuse to give it up!
6. *Knock on wood* but I have never broken a bone in my body...even after flying over the top of the car in 4th grade.
7. When deciding on names for our children, it was a given that we were going to keep the 'D' middle initial for all of them. My middle name is Danielle so we gave Hannah my middle name, and Nick's middle name is David (as is my dad's first name and Nick's grandpa's first name) so we gave Colson Nick's middle name. If we have a third child, it's middle name will also start with a 'D'.
Now, onto some awesome blogs that you should check out!
1. Our World—Sara, my bestie, just had her little girl Mackenzie in June. Stop by her blog to check out some cute photos of her little girl!
2. A Mama and Her Boys—Courtney just added a third addiction, a baby girl, to her family. Follow her life about raising 2 boys and now a little girl!
3. Married...With Kid and Cats—Stop by and say HALLO to Tanja, my german 'penpal' since 1994. Tanja has a beautiful little girl, Alessia who was born a year after Hannah. You'll have to translate her blog though as it's all in german! :o)
4. Typically Torin—Colson and Torin are the same age. Go check out this little cutie!
7. These Four No More—Jennifer's twin girls were born the same month as Hannah. Now she is adding a little boy to the mix.
8. Our Cozy Casa—Jill has adorable twin girls, Maya and Gianna and a little peanut, Olivia...all 3 under 3. I don't know how she does it!
9. Growing Up Geeky— Mama G has one adorable little girl, Carina, who is just a little older the Colson. She writes some great blog posts so stop by and say hello!
10. Life Is What You Make It—Hilary has a daughter, Addison, who is a few months younger than Hannah. She is one cutie patootie!