I have been slightly absent for the past two weeks when it comes to the blogging world...not just in posting on my own blog but in reading others as well.
I know it will drive you all nuts, but I honestly don't care to go into too much detail as to why I have been absent. My friends and family know and they are the support I need! I have never been one to write 'really' personal things on my blog so for right now I feel it is best to let things be so I (we) can move on.
But to say that these past two weeks have been long would be an understatement. I am glad I was able to get away with the hubby and get my mind off things for awhile!
Today starts a new day and I am relieved I can move forward.
Plus it is Fall! I love everything about Fall! I am excited to bring out my boots and hopefully get some new pants for the season. The leaves are just now starting to change and I can't wait to make a big pile of leaves for the kiddos to jump in. Last year Colson wanted nothing to do with the leaves but I think the year will be different. :o)
The kiddos are keeping me busy. Colson is almost 20 months old and is all over the place. I still have to schedule his follow-up appointment at Riley's for this December. A part of me doesn't want to take him. He's happy and healthy and there is nothing medically wrong with him. He is just small. But I will follow through to the end and just schedule his appointment and finally be done with all of this.
Hannah will be 4 in less that a month. 4! What the heck!? I am waiting for her party invites to come in the mail so I can send them out. I am excited about her milk and cookies party! I will do a separate post soon about all of the cookies I plan to make...all 12 different kinds of cookies. I might be a little nuts!
We have our family pics in less than two weeks. I have everyone's outfits picked out but my own. Go figure, right!? Ugh. But I will find something. As soon as I do I will be sure to do a post about everything.
Halloween always sneaks up on me and it has again this year. I know it is still A month away but when you are making the kiddos costumes, you need a bit of time to complete them. Well, I haven't even started them. :o/ I plan on getting the fabric and everything I need this weekend so I can start on them. My goal is to have them done by Hannah's birthday party on the 20th so I don't have to rush at the end to get them done. We'll see if that happens.
My SIL is due very soon and we all can't wait to see if we are getting a niece or nephew. My vote is I will be getting a nephew so we will see. I just can't wait to hold a squishy newborn baby again! :o) Come on baby D, everyone wants to meet you!
I am in desperate needs of some girls time with my bestie. I miss her and these past two weeks just really make me long for a nice bestie hug...and a craft store run! :o)
Lastly, this Saturday is our 5 year wedding anniversary. On that day, we danced our first dance to Beautiful by Jim Brickman. 5 years later, we will be watching Jim Brickman perform in concert. I have been wanting to see him for quite some time and my awesome hubs surprised me with tickets! How perfect that the performance is on our 5 year anniversary! :o)