He started here:
And ended here:
This kid has mastered the art of 'crawling' backwards. And I use the term 'crawling' loosely because it's more of a scoot, but he is definitely more mobile than he was a week ago. And actually, even since I took these photos, Colson has managed to get up onto his knees for a very very short period of time.
Poor things tries so hard to go forward to get his toys and he just keeps getting farther and farther away. :o(
I looked in Hannah's baby book yesterday to see when she did things and she sat up and got her first tooth at 7 months old and army crawled at 8 months old. So it looks like Colson might beat Hannah in the crawling department. I would guess that he will be crawling by 7 month old. ??? We'll just have to wait and see!
Way to go Colson!! Peytonn "crawled" backwards at first too. Then he got the hang of it and he was off! Hasn't stopped since! :( They grow so fast!!